Volunteers are worth their weight in gold
Volunteer work
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Manual with over 56 local volunteer organizations that can offer help! (NL)
This manual is only available in Dutch.
This manual is only available in Dutch.
Check out our online manual. You read more about help by volunteers. Did you know that there are more than 50 voluntary help organizations active in Wageningen?
Help by volunteers is supplementary to professional care and does not replace it.
Succesvolle Banenmarkt vrijwilligerswerk
160 bezoekers & 46 vrijwilligersorganisaties
160 bezoekers & 46 vrijwilligersorganisaties
Gisteren vond voor de zesde keer de Banenmarkt Vrijwilligerswerk plaats in de bblthk. De bblthk was omgetoverd tot een levendig en bruisend evenement. Er waren 46 organisaties die met plezier in gesprek gingen met de bezoekers. 160 geïnteresseerden kwamen langs. Daarmee de succesvolste banenmarkt tot nu toe. Eerlijk gezegd vond ik het vooraf spannend. Het aantal vrijwilligers zit nog niet op het aantal van voor corona. Laat dit aantal bezoekers zien dat vrijwilligerswerk weer in de lift zit?
Download het handboek Vrijwillige hulp in Wageningen 2024-2025
About us
Volunteer Centre Wageningen. Your town expert on volunteering for over 25 years!
We contribute to a dedicated society, where people love to do something for somebody or something else. Just like that, out of free will.
That is why we work to make volunteering successfull in all kinds of thinkable ways. For inhabitants, for community organisations and for volunteers.
You can find us on the first floor of the local public library (bblthk).
Stationsstraat 2, 6701 AM, Wageningen.
Cooperation in social welfare domain
The Welsaam network supports inhabitants in their wellbeing. Our aim is to reach people as fast as possible. Prevention is better than cure.
The Welsaam network works with the new definition of health by Machteld Huber. The term "positive health" is derived from the new health concept. It stands for a broad view on health, in which health is no longer considered as a static condition but rather as the dynamic ability to adapt and to manage one's own well-being. By shifting the emphasis to resilience and well-being (rather than ill-health).