Asielzoekers doen mee in Wageningen
We run a #meedoenbalie (participation desk) together with the COA at two AZC locations in Wageningen. Every week residents come by to see what they can to participate in in Wageningen. That could be volunteer work. But also a language or meeting activity.
For example, people helped set up the start and finish of the Veluweloop. In addition, residents were active at Happietaria. A pop-up restaurant that raises money for a good cause. They helped with cooking, packing and delivering food. Some residents also participate in a buddy project or join the S(o)uperette on Friday evenings.
Does your organization have volunteer jobs that require extra hands? Or would you like to involve residents of the AZC in your activities, but you don't know how?
Call, app or email Djuna Buizer She likes to think along!
For residents of the 2 AZCs
Do you live in AZC de Keijenbergseweg? And do you want to become active in Wageningen? Come visit the #participatedesk on Monday afternoon from 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM in the same place as the information desk.
Do you live in AZC de Bosrandweg? And do you want to become active in Wageningen? Come visit the #participatedesk on Thursday afternoon from 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM in the same place as the information desk.

Mede mogelijk gemaakt
In het project #meedoen werkt het Vrijwilligers Centrum Wageningen samen met het COA (Centraal Orgaan Asielzoekers). Het project wordt mogelijk gemaakt met financiering van het Ministerie van SZW.