Recycling by bike

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Do you have a green heart? Do you want to be physically active in a volunteer team and contribute to better waste recycling? Then sign up!Detailed description
Perhaps you have already seen them driving: the volunteers of the Waste Collective Wageningen. Twice a week we ride a four-person bicycle with a trailer through Hoogstraat to collect cardboard and plastic from retailers. In this way, these raw materials no longer disappear into the incinerator, but can be recycled. And we ensure that fewer trucks drive in the city center.
We are looking for volunteers for the Tuesday group. You will collect the paper and plastic in a team of three to four volunteers. You will meet in front of Hotel de Wereld at 1:30 PM. You visit the retailers who are affiliated. You take the paper to the paper containers and unload it there. It will take you about 2 to 2.5 hours. It's nice if you can do it every week. We are also happy with once every 2 weeks.
You get a lot in return:
- happy shopkeepers
- positive reactions from shoppers
- you contribute to better recycling and fewer trucks in the city center
Are you available on Tuesdays? Are you weatherproof (we also continue in the rain)? And are you in reasonably good condition (because that bike and trailer don't move by themselves :-))?
Then we would like to get in touch with you?