Coach first-year student

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Every week you coach a young student (first year of secondary school) for 1 to 2 hours. You visit the student at home.Detailed description
What are you going to do?
As a coach, you give a coached child the extra support and guidance that he or she does not receive at home or does not receive sufficiently. The focus of the coaching is on the social-emotional level: dealing with others and with the feelings, doubts and insecurities of the coached child. But the tasks certainly also include offering practical study guidance: structuring and planning homework. You support the coached child in matters that he or she finds important, encourage sports and exercise and you involve the parent(s)/guardian(s) in the schoolwork and the school. If desired, you go with them to parent evenings.
- Because we believe it is important that a coached child does not have to change coaches during a school year, you commit to Coach4you for the total duration of one coaching trajectory of a maximum of 18 months, barring unforeseen circumstances.
- We believe that good guidance and training of our coaches is important. When you start coaching, you will participate in the one-day national coaching training that we offer you. This training is mandatory. National follow-up training (no obligation to participate) is also offered, as are occasional local meetings.
- At the start we would like to receive a Certificate of Conduct from you. This application is initiated by the coordinator and is processed digitally.
Who are we looking for?
Our coaches have various qualities and skills. They:
- Have an HBO working and thinking level and a wealth of life experience.
- Have proven affinity with this age group.
- Be a positive role model for young people.
- Are stable, reliable and radiate confidence.
- Have good social skills.
- Are broadly socially developed and know what is going on in their environment.
- Provide structure and overview.
- Are able to provide emotional support to a coached child.
- Are unbiased and have an open coaching attitude.
- Set limits to coaching. Our coaches are volunteers, not professional caregivers.
- Are available for an average of one to one and a half hours per week to supervise a coached child. Be a positive role model, be a good listener, give tips about school and homework planning, guide the student on the right path. Enjoy dealing with young people. No teaching qualifications required, interest and commitment to coaching is important.
What do we have to offer you?
Enjoyable volunteer work with young people. Freedoms and responsibilities in guiding the young person. Basic training for coach within C4y. Follow-up meetings. Intervision meetings and enjoyable cooperation/environment of C4y Wageningen with 7 to 12 other coaches.
What makes the work worthwhile?
- A feeling of satisfaction.
- Fun, varied and educational volunteer work.
- Personal development through training and intervision meetings.
- Broadening their horizons.
- A wealth of experience in coaching a young person.
- Bridging cultural differences.
- Expansion of coaching, consulting and communication skills.
Working time
Usually after 4:00 PM, by appointment