Woman (80 years old) would like contact in the morning or evening

Contact person
Scan me or visit en.vcwageningen.nl/o/Humanitas-Contact-Houden-maatjesproject/activities/Vrouw-80-jr-wil-graag-contact-in-de-ochtend-of-avond/82683 to join
Woman (80 years old) would like to drink coffee together and preferably do something together every now and then (e.g. making postcards, gardening, going somewhere)Detailed description
This lady is looking for someone who would like to visit her once a week on a morning or evening for a cup of coffee and a chat. It would be nice to DO something together every now and then, for example making postcards, taking care of her small garden or going somewhere by car. The latter is also nice for practical matters. She enjoys crafts and growing orchids, among other things.
Her health leaves something to be desired, because she always has pain in her leg and her back. She doesn't fit well in company. But she still does as much as possible herself, she walks to the supermarket with her walker every day and exercises at the health center once a week.
She needs more social contact. She rests for a large part of the afternoon. Interested in getting to know her?
What do we ask of you?
- you are open-minded, you are not quick to judge
- you are a good listener
- you can take initiative and, above all, let the other person take initiative
- you enthuse, encourage, but do not direct.
What do we have to offer you?
- link to a participant with whom you click
- expert guidance and support
- an enthusiastic volunteer team
- mutual exchange of experiences
- internal training, team consultations and meetings.
What makes the work worth it?
As a buddy you really make a difference for a fellow human being. Together you do fun, positive things that the participant needs and that you both get pleasure from and satisfaction from. Contact with the participant also enriches your own life.
Working time
By mutual agreement