School excursion supervisor IVN

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Do you enjoy getting groups of children enthusiastic about nature? Then this is something for you. You work together with an IVN school guide.Detailed description
IVN has been organizing excursions for school classes in Ede for years for children from groups 5, 6 and 7. A group of certified IVN school guides supervises the excursion. As a guide you are part of the guide group. We have various themed excursions: pollarding willows, working on the heath, the toad migration, the spring forest, the water creatures and the autumn forest.
What are you going to do?
You accompany a group of children during the excursion. All excursions have a clear program. We prepare this with clear instructions or a joint excursion by all guides. Before you go out on your own, take a guiding course or walk with an experienced guide
Working time
In consultation, during school hours.
Who are we looking for?
Some basic knowledge of nature is useful. You must also have an affinity with children and guiding groups. IVN Ede asks volunteers who work with children to submit a Certificate of Good Conduct. You can apply for this Certificate of Good Conduct for free via IVN Ede. If you are not yet a member of IVN Ede, we ask you to become a member (costs: 24 euros per year).
What do we have to offer you?
Nature fun and enthusiastic children.
What makes the work worth it?
Passing on the love of nature to children is of great importance. So that they continue to recognize the value of nature and the environment in their later lives.