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Organisation role · 3–4 hrs/month · Starting from 29 Apr 2024
Harnjesweg, 6706 AR Wageningen, Nederland
HostingCooking & eating
Social justicePoverty reductionCommunity & family
1 No Poverty2 Zero hunger17 Partnerships for the goals
1 spot left.
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Contact person

Sjef MolingAsk Sjef a question or contact the organiser directly at [email protected] or +31622183448.


You can easily chat with our guests, open the meal, ensure that everyone feels welcome and that the atmosphere in the room is good.

Detailed description

KomEet cooks weekly for about 50 people who need a listening ear for a three-course meal.

We are looking for a new hostess/host, a couple is also welcome, to supplement the team who will ensure the meal runs smoothly about once a month.

Your task starts at 5:00 PM by ensuring that the tables are set and greeting the guests who come in for coffee from then on. You ensure that everyone finds their place and have a chat with the guests. At 6:30 PM we sit down at the table and you open the meal. Then you will enjoy a meal with our guests and keep an overview of the progress of the meal. Afterwards we clean everything up together and your task is done for the week.

Super fun to do, right?

We will of course help you get started and will walk with you the first few times so that you can quickly master the kitchen.

What volunteers need

🗣️ Native language skills

What we will provide to volunteers

🤝 Extra support

Getting there

1 spot left.
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About KomEet

KomEet is a meal project, intended for people who need a listening ear during a pleasant meal.
There is a meal on Monday every week.
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