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On Wednesday morning you pick up one or more participants from the Odensehuis at home with the Odensehuis car and take them back home in the afternoon.Detailed description
What are you going to do?
You pick up one or more participants of the Odensehuis at home on Wednesday morning with the car of the Odensehuis and bring them back home in the afternoon. Participants live in the municipality of Ede, Wageningen or Renkum.
On Wednesdays from 8:30 to 10:00 and/or from 16:00 to 17:15. Sometimes we have an excursion or outing with the participants and if you want to drive then, please do! You work from the philosophy of the Odensehuis and give personal guidance and attention to the participants.
What do we ask of you?
Of course, you need a B driving license. You drive in the Odensehuis car. Furthermore, we ask for respect for the target group. You want to be there for the people you transport, you want to empathize with their world of experience and are interested. You have a supportive attitude and flexible attitude.
Working time
In coordination.
🗣️ Native language skills
About Odensehuis Wageningen e.o.
The Odensehuis is a walk-in, advice and meeting center for people with memory problems, early dementia and their loved ones, friends and neighbors. A private place where people can be themselves, meet each other and where there is room to participate based on their own possibilities. The Odensehuis supports and encourages people with early dementia to remain active and independent for as long as possible. Participants, volunteers and professionals jointly organize the day.