Friendly volunteer wanted with an affinity for the elderly with memory problems

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Help with: coffee at the Baron (Bennekom)Detailed description
On Friday mornings, from 9:30 to 12:00 there is a coffee morning in the Baron. This is a meeting place in Walraven (Bennekom). The target group consists of residents (young and old) with dementia.
The help consists of:
· Inviting residents and taking them to the Baron.
· Help with serving coffee and tea, preparing and washing up
· Helping to supervise the offered activity. These are varied activities. (Quiz, game, exercise, watching a film, etc.)
· Accompany residents to their home
· Clean up the room and wash dishes if necessary
Required skills:
· Good at dealing with people (Social skills)
· Flexible
· Good on your feet
Personal qualities:
· Cheerful and in good spirits
· Social
· Empathy
· Knows how to tackle things and can show initiative
What makes the work worthwhile?
You make people happy with your time and attention.
Working time
Friday from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm