Bird lover wanted for our large aviary

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Detailed description
We are looking for a volunteer who would like to take care of the birds in our large Aviary in historic bandstand. You work from our Horticultural department, which is part of the daytime activities of our institution and is an excellent workplace for its participants.
Job description:
You love taking care of birds and you get the freedom to decide for yourself when you come to do this.
Job requirements:
You have an affinity with birds and taking care of them. You can indicate and advise on the bird population.
What do you have to offer the volunteer ?:
A pleasant working environment and cooperation with professionals and / or clients.
What makes the work worthwhile ?:
First of all, a pleasant working environment and you will work together with our clients and professionals and you will contribute to the positive health of all of us!
Working time:
To be arranged yourself and in consultation