Client counselor on Sunday in Wolfheze

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Wanted: helping hands and a big heart. Pro Persona is looking for a church volunteer in Wolfheze.Detailed description
For many clients of Pro Persona GGZ, the celebration on Sunday morning is an important moment of the week. Everyone is welcome there as he or she is; the psychiatric condition is not central. As a spiritual care team, we are looking for volunteers to support. The celebrations are ecumenical in character, the atmosphere accessible, the content meaningful.
As a church volunteer you accompany clients with walking difficulties to church once every 6 weeks and support them during the celebration. How does it work? You and about five others will have your turn once every six weeks, from 9.45 am to 12 noon. You push wheelchairs, help someone follow the liturgy, and take everyone back to the ward after coffee.
Many church volunteers experience it as rewarding work. Are you interested? Then call or email. We would be happy to tell you more, and invite you to join us on a Sunday morning without obligation.