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Mini-meeting moderator

Mini-meeting moderator

Organisation role · 1–3 hrs/month
Flexible location
HostingSocial contactDutch
WellbeingChildren & youthCommunity & family
3 Good health and well-being10 Reduced inequalities11 Sustainable cities and communities

Contact person

Barbara FinkensieperAsk Barbara a question or contact the organiser directly at [email protected] or 0657582316.
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Solidez Huis van de Wijk Pomhorst
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We are looking for someone to help us with the "Minimeetings" to organize a fun afternoon once a month on a Friday from 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM.

Detailed description

We are looking for someone to help us with the "Minimeetings". The Minimeetings were once created to bring together a group of people with home care during corona, against loneliness. But we still do it now!! Once a month on Friday from 13:30 to 15:00 in one of the 3 community centers in Wageningen. We receive a small group of 4 - 6 very nice people as volunteers from Solidez. These people receive home care from Vivens and for them this monthly Friday afternoon is a nice and cozy, relaxed meeting.

You provide coffee or tea with something tasty, chat about 'how we are doing', sometimes you draw a conversation topic card, or play a word/language game.

We also sometimes advise on activities in Wageningen or where you can go with specific questions.

We provide a relaxed and safe environment for everyone in the group.

Feel free to come and see if it's something for you.

What volunteers need

🗣️ Native language skills

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About Solidez Huis van de Wijk Pomhorst

Huis van de Wijk de Pomhorst is located in Pomona and offers accessible activities for all ages (children, teenagers, adults, the elderly). We work together in a team and we work closely with the volunteers. The activities we offer include: a kids cooking club where parents can help; sports for children and teenagers; billiards for the elderly; Paint; folk dances, and so on. In addition, we believe it is important to support initiatives by citizens themselves. The employee you will deal with in your work focuses on children, teenagers and parents.
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