Mini-meeting moderator

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We are looking for someone to help us with the "Minimeetings" to organize a fun afternoon once a month on a Friday from 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM.Detailed description
We are looking for someone to help us with the "Minimeetings". The Minimeetings were once created to bring together a group of people with home care during corona, against loneliness. But we still do it now!! Once a month on Friday from 13:30 to 15:00 in one of the 3 community centers in Wageningen. We receive a small group of 4 - 6 very nice people as volunteers from Solidez. These people receive home care from Vivens and for them this monthly Friday afternoon is a nice and cozy, relaxed meeting.
You provide coffee or tea with something tasty, chat about 'how we are doing', sometimes you draw a conversation topic card, or play a word/language game.
We also sometimes advise on activities in Wageningen or where you can go with specific questions.
We provide a relaxed and safe environment for everyone in the group.
Feel free to come and see if it's something for you.