Would you like to join our team at the Visitor Centre?

Contact person
Scan me or visit en.vcwageningen.nl/o/Stichting-Renkums-Beekdal1/activities/Would-you-like-to-join-our-team-at-the-Visitor-Centre/37872 to join
The employee of the Visitor Centre of the Renkums Beekdal Foundation welcomes visitors, provides information about the walks and sells gifts.Detailed description
The Renkums Beekdal Information Center employee welcomes visitors to the information center.
Job description:
The Renkums Beekdal Information Center employee welcomes visitors to the information center. He / she provides information about nature and culture in the Renkums Beekdal and about the possibilities for walking and cycling. The volunteer also sells nature gifts / books. The volunteer works together with a colleague.
Job requirements:
We expect our information center employees to: - be service-oriented and have a feeling for dealing with guests. - have an interest in the nature and culture of the Renkums Beekdal. - like to show visitors, including the youngest, the way in the Beekdal. - enjoy telling visitors about the Beekdal. - willingness to learn about the Brook Valley.
What do you have to offer the volunteer ?:
New volunteers get a buddy.
Working time:
The working hours are according to a schedule. On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 1 pm to 4 pm and on Saturday and Sunday there is a service from 11 am to 2 pm and one from 2 to 5 pm.