Buddy for a refugee

Contact person
Scan me or visit en.vcwageningen.nl/o/Vluchteling-Onder-Dak/activities/Buddy-for-a-refugee/78567 to join
Do you like to do something fun with a refugee on a regular basis and support them in finding their way in Wageningen? Register now!Detailed description
Do you like to regularly do something fun with a refugee and support them in finding their way in Wageningen? Then we are looking for you!
As a buddy, you visit the client approximately once a month and agree together what you are going to do. You can go for a walk together, go through the mail, go to the library, help practice the Dutch language, pursue a hobby, or go to the doctor or an authority together.
You help the client to better find his/her way in society. You break through social isolation and encourage participation/integration in society as much as possible. You are socially involved as a buddy, for example, discuss things that are bothering the client at that moment and offer a listening ear. The conversations can be about income, housing, health, education, upbringing, meaningful daytime activities, making contacts, etc. You help and support him or her with this, without taking over control.
You regularly provide VOD with an update on how the contact is going. You will maintain contact with the buddy coordinator about the well-being of the refugee and you can go for guidance and questions.
We strive to create a network of buddies around our clients. You can also register together with someone.
What does VOD have to offer you?
As a refugee buddy, you will be guided by the buddy coordinator. You can contact the buddy coordinator with all your questions and we regularly evaluate how the contact is going. After contact with the client, you report details and consultation takes place about possible solutions to problems.