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Practicing Dutch with a refugee family

Practicing Dutch with a refugee family

Organisation role · Flexible hours
Renkum, Gelderland, Nederland
TeachingReading & WritingSocial contactBefriendingAdvice & MentoringDutch
Refugees & minoritiesSocial justice
3 Good health and well-being10 Reduced inequalities16 Peace, justice and strong institutions

Contact person

Marre de VettenAsk Marre a question or contact the organiser directly at [email protected] or 0641676935.
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Vluchteling Onder Dak
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Who has time to regularly practice the Dutch language with the parents of a refugee family in Renkum?

Detailed description

We are looking for someone who regularly has time to practice the Dutch language with parents of a refugee family in Renkum.

The children go to school and learn quickly. Their parents want it so much too, and would love to practice Dutch with someone every now and then.

Do you like to visit this family weekly (or once every 2 weeks) and do you like socializing? Then this is something for you!


You can arrange with the parents which time of the week suits them best.

What do we offer you?

To practice Dutch, we provide textbooks/materials. Furthermore, you can always contact our coordinator with questions. We also organize meetings with other buddies/volunteers, so that you can exchange experiences.

What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service

🗣️ Native language skills

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs🤝 Extra support

Getting there

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About Vluchteling Onder Dak

The Refugee Foundation is a volunteer organization that is involved in the reception and guidance of refugees for whom the first application for asylum has been rejected.
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