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Interactive lecture: Growing old happily and wisely, how do you do that?

Interactive lecture: Growing old happily and wisely, how do you do that?

Workshop · 6 Oct 2023, 15:30 - 16:30
Stationsstraat 2, Wageningen, Nederland
Community & familyPeople with disabilitiesOlder peopleWellbeingRefugees & minoritiesSocial justiceSport & recreationNature & sustainabilityChildren & youthAnimal welfareArt & culture
3 Good health and well-being10 Reduced inequalities16 Peace, justice and strong institutions
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Vrijwilligers Centrum Wageningen
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Astrid ZeilstraAsk Astrid a question or contact the organiser directly at [email protected] or 0612117190.


An interactive lecture about growing old pleasantly and wisely during the 55+ Vitality Market at the Uitkijk in the bblthk.

Detailed description

'We would like to grow old, but…. not be old, and that is not possible' says an 85-year-old man as he gets into the car to walk on the Holterberg, to train for the Airborn hike, which he will walk with his daughter. Whether it will be the 10 km or the 15 km, they will keep it open for a while. Because they both have to respect their physical limits. With the increase of the father's years and the remains of the daughter's lung covid, they can go just a little less far than they would like.'

Taking this loss is part of growing old wisely. Just like as we get older we will have to deal with the loss of our old job, beloved friends or relatives and our short term memory. At the same time, we can also experience the benefits of being older: we worry less about small things, we become milder and have more life wisdom. Many experience the time and freedom to organize their own life exactly as they want it or to learn something new. Some discover new sides of themselves by volunteering and make new social contacts.

In the 55+ week of the elderly, the Volunteer Center Wageningen offers an interactive lecture on 'Aging pleasantly and wisely, how do you do that? In this lecture, we will include encouraging insights about our brain from neuropsychology, including Erik Scherder, about activating our resilience (that's possible!) and about sharing inspiration. In the interactive lecture, in addition to short presentations, there is also time for mutual exchange and Hans Siebesma will explain how volunteering contributes to his inspiration and pleasant aging.

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