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Training Coaching leadership for volunteers

Training Coaching leadership for volunteers

Workshop · 26 Oct 2023, 19:15 - 22:00
Stationsstraat 32, 6701 AM Wageningen, Nederland
Community & familyPeople with disabilitiesOlder peopleWellbeingRefugees & minoritiesSocial justiceSport & recreationNature & sustainabilityChildren & youthAnimal welfareArt & culture
3 Good health and well-being10 Reduced inequalities16 Peace, justice and strong institutions
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Vrijwilligers Centrum Wageningen
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Contact person

Astrid ZeilstraAsk Astrid a question or contact the organiser directly at [email protected] or 0612117190.


Do you manage volunteers and do you want to focus on independence and taking responsibility?

Detailed description

Then you would do well to adjust your management style accordingly. You then choose a coaching style.

In the 'coaching management of volunteers' training you will be provided with tools to help you put this style into practice. This way you not only empower your people, but you can also let go of more things yourself.

We will start with a number of topics that you can immediately apply in practice the next day.

- What is coaching?

- When do you coach and when not?

- Set and achieve goals

- Listen and ask questions

- Giving (and receiving!) feedback

- The coach model from neurolinguistic programming

- Situation Task Action and Result (STAR method)

- Solution-oriented work

In addition to some theory, there is mainly room for practice. Through practice and interaction with each other you can learn from and with each other.

The training is provided by Brigitte Bloemenkamp of Bloemenkamp Training & Coaching.

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About Vrijwilligers Centrum Wageningen

Connecting voluntary commitment in Wageningen. Provide information and advice about volunteering.
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