Subjects wanted for the Vold study (65+)

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Is vegan food the key to a healthy old age? Participate in research at Wageningen University into a vegan diet!Detailed description
Are you 65+, do you have a BMI between 23 and 32 kg/m2 and are you not a vegetarian or vegan? Then you can participate in research into the effect of a vegan diet on the (muscle) health of people over 65.
Plant-based diets are increasingly recommended for environmental reasons. Although a diet without animal products may have health benefits, it may provide less muscle stimulation. This is not desirable, especially at an older age.
During this study you will follow a vegan or your usual diet for 12 weeks. Some participants also follow a strength training program in Wageningen. Before, after and during the examination we carry out health measurements, including an MRI scan, muscle biopsy and blood collection. You also collect stool twice. You will receive €480 or €580, a travel allowance and free food products of your preference every other week.
You can contact the research team without obligation. This can be done via email: [email protected] , or by telephone at 06-25294320 (Mon-Fri 9:00 AM-5:00 PM).
Website: Vold study: The effect of a vegan diet on the (muscle) health of people over 65 - WUR