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Technical bicycle manager Duofietsen Wageningen

Technical bicycle manager Duofietsen Wageningen

Organisation role · Flexible hours
Plein 15 Augustus 1, 6708 AL Wageningen, Nederland
ConstructionSupport work
Sport & recreation
3 Good health and well-being10 Reduced inequalities

Contact person

Lineke van DongenAsk Lineke a question or contact the organiser directly at [email protected] or 0619288849.
This opportunity is expired You can find other opportunities here.1 spot left.
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Fietsmaatjes Gelderse Vallei
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Stichting Fietsmaatjes Gelderse Vallei has 2 side-by-side tandems in Wageningen at Rumah Kita. We are looking for a technical manager for minor repairs.

Detailed description

We are looking for a technical manager in Wageningen for minor repairs and maintenance on our 2 side-by-side tandems. The side-by-side tandems are at Rumah Kita.

Major maintenance of the bicycles is done by Firma Hartman in Bennekom.

Getting there

This opportunity is expired You can find other opportunities here.1 spot left.
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About Fietsmaatjes Gelderse Vallei

Our organization offers people with a (mental or physical) disability the opportunity to take a bike ride on a duo bike with a cycling buddy
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