Platform Wageningse Ouderen
About Platform Wageningse Ouderen
AdvocacyThe Platform Wageningse Ouderen foundation generally represents the interests of all elderly people (65+) in the municipality of Wageningen and, if necessary, also regionally. The foundation works for the welfare of the elderly in Wageningen. It aims to influence municipal policy on the elderly. She advises solicited and unsolicited municipal authorities and municipal councils on various topics such as care, housing, welfare, safety and mobility.
All volunteer organizations and groups that represent the interests of the elderly in Wageningen in any way can join the Platform. By mid-2020, the Platform will have fourteen partner organisations, in addition to the initiators, the Wageningen elderly associations KBO-PCOB and Senioren Wageningen.
Activities Platform Wageningen Elderly
The organizations for the elderly that are partners of the Platform Wageningse Ouderen organize various activities themselves. As the umbrella organization of these partner organizations, the Platform provides activities of mutual and transcending importance. The Platform also organizes the monthly 50+ Bios, the day of the elderly and an annual refresher driving skills course for senior drivers, and informative meetings for the elderly on topics relevant to them.