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As a fundraiser at the Vallei & Veluwe Animal Food Bank Foundation, it is your responsibility to find as many (permanent) sponsors and donors as possible for our foundation.Detailed description
As a fundraiser at the Vallei & Veluwe Animal Food Bank Foundation, it is your turn to find as many (regular) sponsors and donors as possible for our foundation. As a fundraiser you work online and offline, mainly with local funds. In order to do your work successfully, you believe in the mission and vision of our foundation, and you know how to convey this message in a strong and binding manner to our current and potential new donors. As a fundraiser you work independently, inspiringly and extremely goal-oriented. Sponsorship or donation can consist of various things, such as food, non-food items, brand awareness, but financial donations are also very welcome.
What responsibilities do you have?
- It is your responsibility to find as many potential donors and sponsors as possible and persuade them to actually contribute to our foundation;
- Together with the treasurer, you provide an overview of the subsidies to be applied for (for example from municipalities), and you also ensure that we substantiate these applications in a timely manner;
- You are the first point of contact for our corporate donors and sponsors;
- You are the connecting link between the board and all donors and sponsors;
- You ensure that all agreements made are recorded and secured in writing;
- You ensure that our existing donors and sponsors remain connected to the foundation;
- You ensure that our donors and sponsors continue to feel involved in the foundation and come up with (fun) ways to keep them committed;
- You think about the foundation's marketing strategy and how we can continue to improve it. For this you coordinate with the board and the online content manager;
- You attend general volunteer meetings and (internal) events as much as possible.
We are looking for:
- Someone who recognizes themselves in and acts according to our core values: Reliable, helpful and committed;
- Someone who can communicate convincingly and clearly at different levels, and depending on the target group;
- Someone who is creative in raising funds and setting up (one-off) donation campaigns;
- A connecting, empathetic and people-oriented person who enters into long-term relationships for the foundation;
- Someone with a heart for pet welfare;
- Someone with flexible availability (everything in consultation);
- Someone for a longer period of time (at least 6 months).
What do we offer you?
- A great and rewarding volunteer position at a great foundation with committed volunteers;
- Annual outings, presents and meetings;
- You can follow interesting courses and training for free through the Dierenlot academy and other volunteer organizations;
- You are collectively insured through the municipality.
🗣️ Native language skills
About Stichting Dierenvoedselbank Vallei & Veluwe
We provide additional pet food and pet supplies so that owners can keep and care for their pet responsibly. In addition, we help our customers with advice, information and education, and we mediate where necessary.
With a helpful, reliable and committed team of volunteers, we work regionally from our distribution locations in Wageningen, Ede, Renkum, Rhenen and Veenendaal. As a result, more than 500 times a separation for financial reasons between owner and pet has been prevented in recent years. Animal Food Bank Vallei en Veluwe is not for profit, but does have ANBI status.