Listening to music together

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Listening to classical music with a resident of Het Beekdal.Detailed description
for a gentleman, who used to be an organist himself, we are looking for someone who wants to listen to classical music with him once a week. It will be 30 to 45 minutes each time. The gentleman really likes classical music, but can also enjoy cabaret songs or music from the late 60s and early 70s. Listening together is very good, especially when you can have a chat about the music afterwards. Musical knowledge is a plus. Are you someone who also likes to listen to music and enjoys having a chat about it, then you are the person we are looking for.
What can you expect?: The first time we make an appointment to get to know each other, together with the music therapist you visit the gentleman. After that you make an appointment yourself to visit the gentleman. It is nice if you can put on music yourself (e.g. via Spotify or YouTube on your own phone), but if this is difficult, the music therapist will help facilitate. It is always possible to spar with the music therapist or exchange experiences.