Wanted immediately: Coach Refugee Work

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Wanted: coaches to guide new Wageningen residents with practical and administrative matters. The deployment is initially intensive, but is later phased out.Detailed description
We are looking for immediately
Volunteers who have space for 2 half-days a week to guide a new Wageninger from the start and show the way.
It first involves many practical and administrative matters; after that it is important to arrange everything together so that the beneficiaries start to feel comfortable and can build a life.
We call it social counseling. And your title then becomes "coach".
Time investment
It is usually a bit more intensive in the beginning and, depending on the need/demand, it can be more extensive afterwards.
What do you need
What you need: patience, flexibility, cultural sensitivity and team spirit.
What do we offer
As an organisation, we offer you a great team and interesting training courses.
There is a clear route, there is a manual and you get an experienced coach as a back-up. Annet Timmerman is your committed team leader. We work from Market 17.
Due to the release of apartments in the old City Office this summer, at least 5 new status holders (single persons) will be living in Wageningen in the coming weeks. In addition, families from Syria and Iraq are also coming to live in the Netherlands this summer, for which second coaches are needed.
In any case, we supervise the first year (sometimes longer). In order to build a relationship of trust, it is therefore good if interested parties also commit themselves for at least a year.
Do you feel like a new adventure, close to home?!? We look forward to your response!