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Wageningen Schoon

About Wageningen Schoon

Wageningen Schoon is a citizens' initiative that strives for a litter-free Wageningen. We do this in collaboration with the Municipality of Wageningen and IVN Het Groene Wiel.
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Recently added activities

 Monthly clean-up walk
Task · 0–2 hrs
Monthly clean-up walk
Every first Sunday of the month we organize a Clean-up Walk, because Wageningen is clean, we do that together!Posted by Wageningen Schoon
Clean-up walk from the bblthk
Event · 2 Mar, 10:00 - 11:30
Clean-up walk from the bblthk
Wageningen Clean: let's do it together? Be a helper at the clean-up walk on March 2. Start: the bblthk, Stationsstraat 2Posted by Wageningen Schoon


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