Experienced expert for Wageningen Including

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Scan me or visit en.vcwageningen.nl/o/Wageningen-inclusief/activities/Ervaringsdeskundige-voor-Wageningen-Inclusief/78293 to join
Advisory activities and fun public actions to make Wageningen an inclusive municipality. Will you help?Detailed description
What are you going to do?
Are you a disability in the broadest sense of the word? For example, are you unable to walk or unable to walk properly, or unable to see or hear (properly)? Or do you have a mental illness? Or are you someone with qualities on the autistic spectrum? Or are you in a minimal financial situation? Or do you have non-congenital brain damage, etc.? Or partner/parent/next of kin? Then join our working group. We meet on average every two months to prepare advisory activities and fun public actions. You bring your practical experience and you participate in our activities. You do this together with other members of our working group.
What we ask?
Enthusiasm, thinking along, creativity, humor, every talent is welcome, we all complement each other.
Working time
There are no fixed working hours. We meet approximately every two months, usually at the end of the afternoon (± an hour or an hour and a half) in the city (e.g. at Thuis Wageningen). Activities are held when most effective and in consultation.