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Weidevogelwerkgroep Binnenveld Oost

About Weidevogelwerkgroep Binnenveld Oost

We are a group of volunteers whose aim is to protect and maintain field and meadow birds in the Binnenveld. We do this, together with the farmers, by searching for, registering, marking and monitoring nests of the lapwing, godwit, redshank, curlew and oystercatcher on the farmers' land during the breeding season so that the nests are not damaged by agricultural activities. become.
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Promoter of the Meadow Bird Working Group Binnenveld Oost
Organisation role · 6–8 hrs/month · Starting from 27 Feb 2024
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Promoter of the Meadow Bird Working Group Binnenveld Oost
Initiating and coordinating promotional activities of the meadow bird working group (publicity surrounding the discovery of the first egg, making an annual overview, participating in a regional market)Posted by Weidevogelwerkgroep Binnenveld Oost


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