Activities in Wageningen
243 resultsOrganisation role · 1–2 hrs/Week
Who wants to read a book with a brother and sister aged 6 and 7?
Family is looking for a volunteer who can read a book and practice some Dutch with a brother and sister.Posted by Solidez Kind aan HuisOrganisation role · 1–2 hrs/Week
Who wants to do fun things with a 3 year old boy?
Family is looking for a volunteer who can do fun things with their highly sensitive 3-year-old son.Posted by Solidez Kind aan HuisOrganisation role · Flexible hours
Monday afternoon - Volunteer #Participation desk AZC de Keijenbergseweg
Do you enjoy making sure that residents of the AZC participate in Wageningen? Then become a #meedoenbalievrijwilliger!Posted by #MeedoenOrganisation role · Flexible hours · Starting from 6 May
Co-worker immigrant cooking Markt 17 (f)
Together with a refugee who has difficulty learning the language, help cook with a group of volunteers at the Inloopcentrum Markt 17.Posted by VluchtelingenWerk WageningenOrganisation role · 3–4 hrs/Week
Flexible location
Board member Alzheimer Meeting Point Wageningen
As a board member, you will reopen the Alzheimer Trefpunt Wageningen together with another board member, support volunteers and maintain contacts.Posted by Alzheimer NederlandOrganisation role · Flexible hours
Versatile volunteers wanted!
For clients who participate in the Guidance Groups at our Walraven and Elias locations, we are looking for several volunteers for various activities.Posted by OpellaOrganisation role · 4–6 hrs/Week
Board Member Media and PR
As a board member of Media and PR, you will creatively promote the course program of the Volksuniversiteit Wageningen to potential students.Posted by Volksuniversiteit WageningenEvent · 2 Mar, 10:00 - 11:30
Clean-up walk from the bblthk
Wageningen Clean: let's do it together? Be a helper at the clean-up walk on March 2. Start: the bblthk, Stationsstraat 2Posted by Wageningen SchoonOrganisation role · 0–3 hrs/Week
Hostess/host Tue, Wed, or Fri afternoon
We are looking for hostesses and/or hosts during the afternoon shifts on Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday afternoon.Posted by Inloopcentrum Markt 17Organisation role · 1–4 hrs/Week
Training Coordinator (Volunteer)
As Training Coordinator at the Red Cross (Renkum Wageningen location), you ensure that our first aid courses run smoothly.Posted by Rode Kruis GelderlandOrganisation role · 4–6 hrs/Week
Volunteer coach (volunteer)
You are the point of contact for all volunteers. You assist with recruitment and selection and you conduct intake, progress and exit interviews.Posted by Rode Kruis GelderlandOrganisation role · Flexible hours
Flexible location
Chairman of the Association The Wide World
In addition to parents, two external persons sit on the board of the Association: the chairman and the secretary. Do you want to become the new chairman?Posted by Vereniging De Wijde WereldProject role (Temporary) · 1–4 hrs/Week · Starting from 7 Mar
Buddy to Buddy (round March-June)
👥💬 Experience the power of connection and become a Buddy of a Newcomer! Buddy to Buddy will start a new matching round in Wageningen in early March.Posted by Buddy to BuddyOrganisation role · Flexible hours
Chairman wanted
Shout, the LGBTQ+ association in Wageningen, is looking for a new chairmanPosted by SHOUT WageningenTask · 2–4 hrs
Renkums Beekdal Foundation is looking for volunteers for purchasing and activiti
The Visitor Centre is the workplace and base of operations for the many volunteers who are active at the Renkums Beekdal Foundation.Posted by Stichting Renkums BeekdalTask · 2–4 hrs
Renkums Beekdal Foundation is looking for new members for the Board and Advisory
We are looking for open and constructive directors and advisors. You will find informal collaboration with our volunteers on the goals of the Foundation.Posted by Stichting Renkums BeekdalOrganisation role · 1–6 hrs/Week
Flexible location
Debt assistance buddy
Buddy for someone with (imminent) debtsPosted by SchuldHulpMaatje WageningenOrganisation role · 0–2 hrs/Week